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B3’s aspiration: New Zealand has a world-leading science-based plant border biosecurity system, ensuring the welfare of our environment, retaining and building the value in our important plant systems, underpinning investor confidence for continued sector growth and innovation, and maintaining market access for plant-based exports.

B3’s mission: Science-based border biosecurity solutions underpinning the vitality of New Zealand’s natural and productive plant landscapes (forestry, horticulture, arable, pastoral) and other plant-based industries, through a research-industry-government collaboration delivering world-leading science and technology development, enabling stakeholders to implement results for Better Border Biosecurity.

Parties: As an unincorporated joint venture B3 integrates investment and expertise across it partners:

  • Science organisations: Plant & Food Research, AgResearch, Scion, Manaaki Whenua/Landcare Research and Lincoln University.
  • End-user organisations: Ministry for Primary Industries, Department of Conservation, Horticulture NZ, and Forest Owners’ Association. The Environmental Protection Authority and Federated Farmers have observer status.


Strategic Priorities