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Sentinel plants to forecast & future proof NZ plant systems against pests & diseases

Biosecurity outcome

  • The effectiveness of the sentinel plant concept is well understood and demonstrated with reference to its use as a predictive border biosecurity tool in productive and natural ecosystems.
    • This includes informing early warning for pest and disease attack, risk analysis, potential pathways and control solutions for invasive pests and/or diseases arriving in New Zealand.
    • Explore the value of the IPSN as an overseas sentinel information network
    • Explore the value of off-shore and on-shore sentinels
    • Provide a better understanding of the risks from pests and diseases originating from key risk regions

Science outcome

  • The project will establish the scientific validity for sentinel plants as a border biosecurity tool in productive and natural systems

Key end users/stakeholders

Implementation:  Effectiveness of sentinel (expatriate) concept is reported directly to MPI and International Plant Sentinel Network (Botanic Gardens Conservation International).  Generic learning is shared with other sentinel projects (i.e. B19.3, B19.4).  Specific information on target organisms is provided relevant parties (e.g. Zespri/KVH for kiwifruit, BMSB to GIA, BMSB Council, myrtle rust to DOC, TTW) and MPI (Science & Risk – Plants & Pathways (Emerging Risks System), and Biosecurity Intelligence Team).

Māori outcome