There have been several outstanding examples of B3 research being recognised by the wider biosecurity community in recent weeks.
Craig Phillips recognised by DOC Director General for role in GWB eradication
Department of Conservation, Director General, Lou Sanson, recently wrote to B3 and AGR to acknowledge the “very significant role that Dr Craig Phillips played in the success of the Great White Butterfly (GWB) eradication programme”.
The DOC GWB eradication team won the Government Award at the New Zealand Biosecurity Awards in 2017. This was the world’s first eradication of a pest butterfly and was reported in the New Scientist (
“Craig was a knowledgeable and collaborative member of the GWB eradication technical advice group. He approached all problems with a calm clear logic. Not only was he a highly valuable contributor at meetings, but he also led several research initiatives that resulted in reduced uncertainty and increased operational effectiveness”. Director General Sanson wrote: “I am very appreciative of the major contribution Craig has made and we look forward to working with Craig, AGR and B3 as partners in the future”.
Indigenous engagement team wins PBCRC Collaboration Award for 2018
This award recognises an individual or team that has demonstrated exemplary skills in collaboration within the Plant Biosecurity CRC programme and was awarded to a PFR (Alby Marsh) and Charles Darwin University (Linda Ford, Ruth Wallace) research team developing models for engagement with Māori and Aboriginal communities in biosecurity. The models are based on traditional cultural practices from Māori and Aboriginal communities and have broad application across government agencies, research, science & technology providers; industry agencies and community stakeholders.
The PBCRC project has close links to similar projects within B3, the NZ Biological Heritage NSC and the Māori Biosecurity Network (Te Tira Whakamātaki) and represented the first significant investment in plant border biosecurity in this area in New Zealand.
Scion research group wins ASABE Superior Paper Award
The 2018 ASABE Superior Paper Award was given to the B3/Scion publication: Richardson, B., Strand, T. M., Thistle, H., Hiscox, A., Kimberley, M. O., & Schou, W. C. (2017). Influence of a young Pinus radiata canopy on aerial spray drift. Transactions of the ASABE. 60(6): 1851-1861. (doi: 10.13031/trans.12497).
Members from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) work in the fields of the production, transport, storage and use of renewable resources, with the goal of meeting humanity’s most fundamental needs from biobased materials. The B3/Scion publication was selected from 500 submitted papers published in 2017.
The research examined whether the AGDISP model could simulate the landing position of aerial spray droplets within the turbulent conditions naturally found over a rough radiata pine canopy.
The authors will be honoured at the General Session Recognition Program to be held during the ASABE Annual International Meeting at 8:00am-8:55am on Monday, 30 July 2018 in Detroit, Michigan.