Register at: Registration cost $160 or $80.00 for students and retirees.

The aim of the Symposium is to connect those involved in BMSB research and share ideas to better prepare New Zealand for a BMSB response.

Come along and hear from New Zealand scientists leading the research for BMSB preparedness and response as well as those from Italy and USA, where the bug is established and causing significant damage.

BMSB is a particularly difficult pest to eradicate and control, devastating horticulture and causing a nuisance overwintering in homes. As a hitchhiker, the risk of it arriving in New Zealand is high. Because of this, it’s essential we focus on research that will help prevent an incursion, eradicate if it gets into New Zealand and effectively manage it long term if necessary.

Speakers include B3 Māori Research Advisor Alby Marsh on the potential threat to plants of value to Māori, and an update on the national surveillance programme by MPI Principal Advisor Rory McLellan.

This symposium is jointly hosted by the New Zealand Plant Protection Society, Plant and Food Research, B3, and the BMSB Council.